9. Fear – a political tool

Vienna 4/28/2020

Austrian statistics will appear later this week as I announced.

A very interesting article appeared yesterday in the Austrian media. The minutes of the talks of the Austrian government showed:

ORF article in German
Here is my English translation.

I would like to draw your attention to the words of Herwig Kollaritsch, “specialist in tropical diseases” (i.e. vaccines):

… that this is a potentially fatal disease and not ordinary flu.

What does that mean?
Government expert says coronavirus is deadly and common flu isn’t?
In fact, the number of deaths from influenza has many times exceeded the number of those who had COVID-19 antibodies, among other diseases, and sometimes flu.
I will in no way increase the fear of the currently announced pandemic to add new fears of the flu. Many of us have had the flu, sometimes even every winter or summer.

In many cases, the result when re-testing for COVID-19 antibodies is opposite to the previous result.
The only argument for unjustified intimidation of humanity is so credible.

As the article shows, fear is the best way to force society to do what is expected. It is true, where there is fear, the ability to analyze and think logically disappears.

8. The effects

Vienna 4/24/2020

Today I want to write about the effects of this fear pandemic.
Let’s start with the positive ones as they also appeared. Ecological effects are most important in this group.
Clean air: from India, you can see the Himalayan peaks for the first time since the Second World War.
In the Venetian Grande Canal, you can now see fish in clear water.
I remember very well when during one of my visits to this city St. Mark Square was built up to a height of about 30 cm flooded with water. One could enter the basilica over a pedestrian bridge. The ground could not be seen through the shallow water. The water was too dirty. And today you can see fish in the water!

I have found an interesting article Covid-19 and the MCO’s effects on the environment.

Some economic operators perceive positive effects as manufacturers of drugs that increase immunity. Also manufacturers of masks, rubber gloves, and disinfectants.
I don’t know if it can be seen as a positive report on the increased demand for coffins in Austria. There were more and more orders from funeral parlors who feared that the competition would buy coffins and they would run out of coffins.

Usually, I am optimistic, but it is not easy to keep a good attitude on this subject. Unfortunately, the negative effects of global pandemic are appalling.
Health care, tourism, manufacturing industry, air transport, it is impossible to name all the victims. How many people in the world have lost their jobs? These are just the economic consequences of this global crisis.
As a result of the need to provide financial support to the economy, the debt of most countries in the world will increase. I assume that this will increase the interest rate on loans. The economic crisis will continue to be felt long after the pandemic has ended.

What about people who unfortunately are not infected with the virus? It sounds strange, but it is.
I needed help for the nurse of my sick wife here in Vienna a week ago. This nurse cut her finger in the kitchen, it bled a lot. We went to the hospital, which used to provide medical assistance after accidents, also on an outpatient basis.
The hospital was unreachable for new patients. It was reclassified as an infectious disease hospital.
Fortunately, after a long search, we found a doctor who took care of this lady.

What about heart attacks or other serious cases where the ambulance could not arrive or was late?
The medical staff is very overworked due to the pandemic.

Let’s get back to the positive aspects. It is clear that the peak of the pandemic crisis is behind us. Apparently, the virus does not like warm weather.
This was already evident in China, where warming has reduced the number of new people with antibodies against this virus. In Europe, the USA and other countries of the world, the switches are slowly shifting towards the “thawing” of the economy.
It’s high time. Probably the last restriction that will be lifted is the closing of state borders.
Let’s hope that the pressure from countries that live from tourism will be strong enough to do so before the tourist season starts.

I want to make it clear that my position is not to persuade anyone to disregard the recommendations of the authorities. We must hold on to it, regardless of our views.

[Vienna October 18, 2020 Today I would no longer write the text marked in green.]

Maybe I’m wrong in my judgment about the pandemic. However, so far I haven’t found anything to contradict my suspicions.
The evidence I have presented is deductive in nature and would probably not be accepted as evidence in court.

In the next article, in a week’s time, I will deal with the published death statistics for the current year in Austria.

7. Questions

Vienna 4/19/2020

There are still unresolved problems on this topic:

  1. What is the scientific evidence that COVID-19 is the cause of death attributed to it?
  2. Why have other diseases that have caused more victims than those attributed to the current pandemic not caused such drastic restrictions worldwide?
  3. Why has the WHO tacitly changed the definition of an epidemic by removing the condition on the number of cases and deaths?
  4. Why do all the WHO statements on COVID-19 only serve to increase fear and are they no help in combating this pandemic announced by the WHO?
  5. What sense does it make to show coffins with many corpses in Italy in the media?
  6. Why is there no public communication about the negative – even fatal – effects of vaccines?
  7. Why is only the opinion of “experts” published that “only a vaccine can save the world from a pandemic”?
  8. Why is the experience of doctors from Bergamo in Italy ignored?

I’ve sorted these questions by importance. This does not mean that the last question is irrelevant.

I am a supporter of pluralism in the media.
Questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 show their lack.
In my opinion, the display of coffins is primarily due to the desire to increase the number of spectators. However, the public presentation of opinions that support vaccination is an expression of the “unanimity” of the TASS agency’s worthy propaganda.
TASS agency, official agency of the Soviet Union.

I asked the first two questions earlier in this article.
The third question arose from the quotation from the book “Who Made Beef a Pig?”

The last question is the result of an interview on Italian television with a doctor from a hospital in Bergamo, the “most contaminated” city in Italy.
The doctor is Stefano Manera. Interview in Italian.

6. World mortality statistics

Vienna 4/10/2020

When millions of people are killed, the tragedy of individuals and their families is lost.
Death is an integral part of life. Anyone who is poor or rich, starving or living in luxury has to die. This is probably the only justice we all yearn for.

Important note!
The method of comparing the two estimates used here can have a large error. In particular, the data on the Worldmeter website, although reliable, can contain errors. The algorithms used there are unknown to me. Current data on the number of deaths are naturally estimated based on many factors. As a rule, the final population data are based on information from three or more years ago. This older data also has an error, but this error is within the error tolerance. Still, the sources I use are the most reliable so far.

These forecasts were made for the United Nations Population Division in 2017 and are still valid.

mortality statistic


According to statistical forecasts, 60.20 million people will die this year. Well, the first quarter has 91 days, so 91/366 * 60,200,000 = 14.970.000. So many deaths according to statistics for the first quarter.

We already know the site https://www.worldometers.info/, it gives current death statistics. Among other things, the number of deaths this year in the world.
By March 31, 2020, 14,650,000 people had died worldwide. We got a difference of 320,000 fewer people who actually died.

Despite this “monstrous” pandemic, 320,000 fewer people die than predicted?
In my opinion, this is the result of panic in the world that made most people stay at home. There are fewer traffic accidents, fewer work accidents, fewer murders, and surprise: fewer suicides.

I will not draw any conclusions from this – it will impose itself.

Vienna 5/1/2020

Let’s repeat the calculations with data from the same sources for the first four months of this year.
On April 30, 121 days have passed since the beginning of the year. So 121/366 * 60.200.000 = 19.900.00. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world during the first four months of this year.

According worldometers.info in the world, 19,489,700 people died from the beginning of the year to midnight from April 30 to May 1, 2020.

While the largest, rather the most blown, pandemic was holding people’s breath, 410,000 fewer people died than the statistics predicted!
A month ago there were 320,000 people.

And again the conclusions are obvious.

Vienna 6/1/2020

The next month of the artificial pandemic has passed. We have had 152 days since the beginning of the year.
So 152/366 * 60,200,000 = 25,000,000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first five months of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year 24,485,000 people worldwide died until midnight on May 31, 2020.

During this time, 515,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago there were 410,000 people.

Vienna 7/1/2020

Half of 2020 has passed. We have had 182 days since the beginning of the year.
So 182/366 * 60.200.000 = 29.936.000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first half of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year, until midnight June 30, 2020, 29,318,000 people died.

During this period, 618,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago it was 515,000 people.

Vienna 8/1/2020

We have had 213 days since the beginning of the year.
So 213/366 * 60.200.000 = 35.034.000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first seven month of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year, until midnight July 31 2020, 34.313.000 people died.

During this period, 721,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago it was 618,000 people.

Vienna 9/1/2020

We have had 244 days since the beginning of the year.
So 244/366 * 60.200.000 = 39.308.000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first eight month of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year, until midnight August 31 2020, 39.308.000 people died.

During this period, 825,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago it was 721,000 people.

Vienna 10/1/2020

We have had 274 days since the beginning of the year.
So 274/366 * 60.200.000 = 45.068.000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first nine month of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year, until midnight September 30 2020, 44.142.000 people died.

During this period, 926,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago it was 825,000 people.

Vienna 11/1/2020

We have had 305 days since the beginning of the year.
So 305/366 * 60.200.000 = 50.167.000. This is the estimated number of people who died in the world in the first ten month of this year.

According to worldometers.info this year, until midnight October 31 2020, 49.144.000 people died.

During this period, 1 023,000 fewer people died than predicted!
A month ago it was 926,000 people.

The UN death predictions for 2020 and later years on ourworldindata.org have been adjusted to the current death process.
A value of 59,230,000 instead of 60,200,000 is now assumed for 2020.
The worldwide forecast death statistics for 2020 were reduced by almost a million people in the year of “the great plandemy”!



For this reason I will not make any further comparisons for November and other months in the future.

5. Why is there no explanation for such drastic measures?

Vienna 4/9/2020

I am not surprised by the attitude of the governments of most countries in the world.
By definition, they have to show the public that they are in control of everything. First of all, so that no one can accuse them of sitting idly while the world is overwhelmed by the “terrible virus.”
The problem is that they accepted this threat without evidence. They listened to the experts.

I’m not saying that most experts are involved in the deliberate expansion of the fear pandemic.
I don’t think someone bribed them either.
This is not necessary at all, since everyone assumed without proof that the virus is the cause of death for people who died from other diseases and that antibodies of this “monster” have been detected.

All that was needed was a couple of hot reports from “scientific research on the victims of the virus.”
You didn’t even have to prove that the virus was attacking the lungs, you just had to write it that way.

I suspect that this harmless virus spread around the world a few years ago. There are no symptoms, so who would be interested in them beforehand?
Some were found. They had the idea of making a fortune out of fear that would unleash itself.

The world is already in recession. This excludes offenders from other industries.
Why do I suspect some pharmaceutical companies as perpetrators of this psychosis of fear?
There are mutliple reasons for this.

At this point, I would like to point out that I am convinced that there are drug manufacturers, although probably only a few, that do not use such morally questionable methods.

These are the reasons:

  • The pharmaceutical industry is the greatest beneficiary of an anxiety pandemic.
  • Pharmaceutical companies have years of experience in manipulating public opinion.
  • In many countries, they have a significant impact on decisions made by bribed politicians in the Ministry of Health.
  • Have the manipulation of “scientific” research in the blood. Example: wrong research on cholesterol in 1984. I am referring to the book Uffe Ravnskov “the Cholesterol Myth.”
  • Have sufficient knowledge to disseminate information about “threat.”
  • Have gained experience from a failed attempt to trigger a swine flu epidemic in 2009.
  • People involved in pharmaceutical matters are consultants to the World Health Organization.
  • You have most of the media in your hands. If not directly, then through economic pressure. The text of this article has no chance of being published in the mainstream media.


Who exactly is behind it?
I don’t know This is a task for Interpol. She could take care of it, but apparently isn’t interested.

4. What’s next?

Vienna 4/1/2020

My guess:

somewhere in the world, there are several series production plants in which the vaccine or drug dexamethasone, which is unknown to anyone, is produced at full steam.
In half a year, most countries in the world will spend billions of dollars trying to buy world-saving funds and finally end this nightmare.

But what changes then?
Well, for about the next 10 years, no one will threaten the whole world with killing creatures.
Nothing will change in the number of dead people.

There will be “only” deaths, an estimated 400,000 worldwide, caused by the side effects of the new “miracle” vaccine.

But whatever? We have finally defeated a terrible pandemic that has cost 43 thousand lives to this day!
People who died as a result of a completely different illnesses.

Well, Forbes will have to change, in the first place, its list of the richest people in the world.

If you have no idea what something is about, then it is about the money.

We are dealing with well-planned and implemented criminal activities on a global level.

In your opinion, what does the WHO ask young people to be careful about, as there are deaths from the virus (and where is the evidence?), including children?
Is it the detection of the presence of antibodies? It doesn’t prove anything!
Child deaths have always occurred and are used today to deepen the already very strong fear.

There are a few countries that ignore this artificial panic. In these countries, it can later be shown that there was no epidemic apart from fear.
It is enough to show that the mortality rate in these countries has not increased this year.
No excuse from government officials such as “thanks to our rigorous measures, we were able to prevent the worst.”
They say that even the actual death rate hardly differs from statistically estimated this year.

3. Forecast

Vienna 4/1/2020

Let’s go more or less a year into the future. It’s the 1st of April, 2021.
The mortality statistics for 2020 have just been released.
And what do we see?
In the period from March 2020 “compared to the same period in the previous year,” mortality due to diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, tuberculosis, and cancer decreased.
This is because a coronavirus found in a person who has died from one of these diseases has been moved in the statistics to a group that is currently scaring us.
Was the coronavirus the cause of death? Nobody tried to prove it.

Back to the present.
The reliability of rapid tests is of course negligible.
Antibodies were found in the body.
What does that mean? These antibodies may have appeared in the body a week ago, or maybe two years ago.
The fact that the first coronavirus was discovered in humans at the end of last year does not mean that it was not there before.
Regardless of the virus, most of these people included in the statistics would have died anyway. This is evident from statistics from previous years.

Another quote:
…Of the 56.9 million deaths worldwide in 2016, more than half (54%) were due to the top 10 causes.
Ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers, accounting for a combined 15.2 million deaths in 2016.
These diseases have remained the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years….


How many new deaths from this disease are currently being entered in the coronavirus mortality statistics?

2. Vaccinations

Vienna 3/31/2020

Another thing, why is there no information on how many of these deceased have been vaccinated against the flu?
One can only speculate. This is because the information is kept secret for one reason or another.

Sounds like a conspiracy?
Hm. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy, it’s just an area of the industry that makes huge profits by misleading consumers.

If someone thinks that pharmacological companies are interested in improving human health, they are wrong. It is exactly the opposite. Most representatives of this branch want as many as possible, preferably chronically ill, people in the world.
We have washing machines for dirty laundry. As a washing machine manufacturer, how would you react to the clothing industry’s plans to make clothes that never get dirty?
It is the same in pharmacology.
The main goal is to increase the market for drug recipients.

How do you get there? There are many ways to do this:

  • Side effects of drugs cause new diseases and thus the need for new drugs with side effects…
  • Withdrawal from old, effective medicines. Borax is a good example. An effective remedy for osteoporosis. It was still possible to buy it in the pharmacy 30 years ago. The media has reported that borax is toxic. True, but our table salt is twice as toxic. The toxicity of each active ingredient depends on the dose…
  • Defamation campaign against doctors who criticize vaccines or who do not accept the promoted treatment methods such as chemotherapy.
  • Presentation of medical statistics in a context that is favorable for pharmaceutical matters. Statistics are very often manipulated to better illustrate the effects of drugs or vaccines than they actually are.
  • Pressure scientific publishers to withdraw materials that demonstrate vaccine harm. Many television channels and magazines belong to pharmaceutical companies.
  • Buy opinions “reviewers” about drugs and vaccines. Such opinions are also used in the approval of new drugs and vaccines for sale in individual countries.
  • Corruption by politicians, especially in health ministries.
  • Motivate doctors to issue prescriptions for their products.
  • Extend the pharmaceutical lobby’s already significant impact on the medical study program in most countries around the world.

Companies are legally obliged to achieve the highest possible income. At least those who are on the stock exchange.
Naturally, all large and small companies strive to maximize their sales. There is nothing wrong with this unless it is done at the expense of human health.

Here is a quote from the book “Who Made Beef a Pig?” about an attempt to trigger a swine flu pandemic in 2009. Author Udo Pollmer:

… Such a pandemic leap was possible because the “significant number of cases and deaths” had previously been tacitly removed from the definition of this phenomenon. The group of experts who advised WHO on swine flu consisted – by chance – of representatives of the vaccine companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). They were supported by the British government advisor Sir Roy Anderson, who warned of a pandemic a few days after the swine flu outbreak – that fortunately “two effective vaccines” could protect us (Relenza and Pandemrix)…..

…The WHO announced the outbreak of the pandemic on June 11, 2009 and its end on August 10, 2010. According to the organization, 18,400 people died of swine flu at that time. This number seems unbelievable simply because the quick virus detection test is not a reliable source of information. In Germany, 258 people were affected by this flu, most of whom had previously suffered from other diseases and had more chance contact with the virus. However, when such a patient died in the hospital, the reason for his death was suddenly given – hocus-pocus – not cancer, for example, but only flu. Thanks to this, the hospital also improved its cancer mortality statistics…

Sounds familiar?
The book was written in the first half of 2011.
And now the story repeats itself …

I would like to recommend another book about the criminal practices of one of the many pharmaceutical companies. In John Virapen’s previously mentioned book “Side Effect-Death” you can read about the dishonest methods Eli Lilly uses in Sweden. The author was head of the Eli Lilly office in that country for many years.

I am very interested, does any of you know a drug in a pharmacy that effectively treats the cause of the disease without causing new diseases? In my experience, pharmacies mainly contain drugs that fight the symptoms of the disease.
If anyone knows the answer to any of these questions, please share them

I was surprised to hear about a drug on Polish radio, where it was said to be used for “symptomatic treatment.”

It’s like treating smallpox by removing one pimple at a time with the scalpel.
But there are smallpox vaccines!
No so…

I found interesting WHO statistics. Dated 9th March 2020. It lists many diseases, sorted by the daily mortality rate.

WHO statistic The Seasonal Flu is only 8th, Coronavirus, COVID-19, 17th.

1. What is this about?

Vienna 3/30/2020

Everyone knows this picture with the virus!
It became a symbol of our time. For a few months now they have been showing the picture of our “enemy” in all newspapers and TV channels.

What is this creature that can panic billions of people for so many months?

It is a chemical compound of protein. It is not a living being. It cannot eat, excrete or attack with a gun in hand, because it has no hand and it’s not a soldier in a hostile army.
So what is it?
Scientists would say that it is a simple relationship of several proteins, the basic building blocks of life that are based on protein. A series of C, G, A, T compounds arranged in a specific order. The structure resembles the DNA or the genetic code of the life forms known to us. DNA has a twisted ladder structure, two parallel sequences of protein sequences. The coronavirus has a simpler structure. It consists of just one thread, half a ladder. Science calls this structure RNA.

So, is our enemy a chemical substance? Yes, nothing else than that. Wouldn’t it be better to say that fear is our enemy? Media and organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have been fueling our fear for several months.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to invent any conspiracy theories. I am against the claims that a group of people wants to take over the world.

[Vienna October 18, 2020 Today I would no longer write the text marked in green.]

I also don’t know if it’s true that the coronavirus was made in military laboratories. This is also not the topic covered on this page.

But viruses are not soldiers that only cause war.
Look over here.
You get away from this destructive fear.

if you have no idea what something is about, then it is about the…

I intend to deal with more specific questions that came to my mind when I started thinking about the causes of the anxiety pandemic.

I know the official statistics on seasonal influenza. I rely on sources like the CDC, US Department of Health and the RKI, Robert Koch Institute in Germany. RKI was founded in 1891 and “is the oldest biomedical institute in the world,” quote from RKI in German.

According to the WHO, the number of deaths from seasonal flu in the world is estimated to be between 290,000 and 650,000 each year.
In the original wording:
“Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.”
This information comes from:

And what is the situation on the coronavirus front?
Anyone can check it out here:

Today (30.03.2020) there are 10 to 20 influenza deaths per coronavirus-related deceased.

The question arises: why not close the borders, why not stop all manifestations of public life due to influenza?
The seasonal flu is the cause of death for many more people than the coronavirus!

No one has yet answered this question properly, although in today’s world it is a fundamental question.

It would be easy now to blame the pharmacological companies. This industry has been the target of attacks, rightly or wrongly.
After reading the book John Virapen, “Side Effect Death,” I would like to join the chorus of opponents of the pharmaceutical industry. However, I won’t do it, because I have no evidence that a group of pharmaceutical concerns has caused this panic epidemic in the world. There are some clues, but this is not a proof.

In my opinion, it is sufficient to point out to this problem.
If someone wants to answer my question, I invite you, .
I am open to all theories that are ridiculous at first sight.
However, logical justification is required. I may believe too much in logic, but I have to rely on something.

An attempt to answer my question was also made on health.com, the second link I have given above. Quote from this page:

So how do the flu and coronavirus compare? Just a few weeks ago, the flu appeared to be the more menacing concern. The death rate from influenza is generally just a fraction of 1%.
How things have changed.
During a March 11 hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee on coronavirus preparedness, Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, put it plainly:
“The seasonal flu that we deal with every year has a mortality of 0.1%,” he told the congressional panel, whereas coronavirus is “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu,” per STAT news.

So you are juggling with the least adequate mortality rate!

Since 20,127 samples had been taken in Poland by March 22nd and the current time (March 30th, 2020) showed the presence of viruses in 1,862 people, the ratio of patients to healthy people for these tests is 9.25%.
Quelle: How many corona virus tests have been performed? In Polish

Of course, the selection of the people tested influences this factor significantly.
People who had contact with the disease were tested…
Nevertheless, I dare to estimate the number of infected people in Poland.
If we theoretically assume a hundredth of the coefficient I calculated and round to 0.1%, the result is that, according to the test of all citizens in Poland, 40,000 people should be infected with the virus.
While this is a purely hypothetical number, it is quite likely. In the numbers so estimated, the mortality rate mentioned above is 0.055% (to date there have been 22 coronavirus deaths).
At the moment, the mortality rate for both diseases is similar.
And so much about the only argument that justifies the introduction of such strict restrictions.

The global mortality rate can also be calculated.
Approximately 2 million tests were performed with 723.3389 positive results.
And here comes a surprise! The ratio of patients to healthy people is four times higher than in Poland (36.17%).
Have the people tested in Poland been selected incorrectly?
I don’t think so, it is done differently in other countries.
And then the tests themselves are only reliable to varying degrees.

Let us, nevertheless, count the theoretical number of infected people in the world. One-hundredth of the factor is rounded to 0.36%.
That is over 27 million people. And again the mortality rate was similar to that of the flu: 0.125%.

You have probably suspected that these calculations cannot be taken seriously, even the fact that I accepted without reason that it would be good if I took a hundredth and not a thousandth of a factor, for example.
And it turns out that I previously calculated this result and manipulated these numbers to get what I wanted.

This is how statistics are presented to us. This becomes particularly clear in medicine if the most senseless theses are to be justified.

Plandemic – planned pandemic

Vienna 7/2/2020

All of my films, and not just mine, that were shot from September 2020 and mainly concern protests, can be viewed on BitTube.

Most of us are reluctant to read a prologue.

The topic is current, pandemic reality, which I think has been imposed on us.
We all have enough of it – me too.
So why read about it? Isn’t that self-tormenting?
It would be, if the mass media provided fair facts and, as was common four months ago, allowed different views of different environments.
Currently we have a “just right” opinion, and anyone who wants to oppose that, regardless of their level of scientific knowledge or ability to think logically is thrown into a bag called “conspiracy theorists” and is on par with Flatlands or those who warn of the influence of extraterrestrials on our lives.
I have to reserve the right to believe that the latter also have the right to present their arguments and opinions. That is a democracy, the diversity of views. That is also our life. Varied and colorful.

Why did I start writing about it? Precisely because we were suddenly deprived of the right to speak freely and due to the mass campaign to intimidate people.
For those who have forgotten what was written four months ago, a strong example: ‘We Are At War,’ WHO Head Says, Warning Millions Could Die From COVID-19.

As a result, the average John Smith was threatened. It was this unfounded fear that served as a tool for someone who became the reason why I chose to write, based on facts and logic.
It was this unfounded fear that served as a tool for someone who became the reason why I chose to write, based on facts and logic.

As you will see in the next chapter, this text was for the first time published on the 30th March.
I tried not to correct the texts I wrote before, apart from stylistic corrections. It wasn’t possible in all cases.
For example, every month I update data in the chapter on mortality statistics worldwide.
In the Conspiracy Practice chapter, just today I added the eleventh fact that proves the deliberate action of a group of people.

Help navigate this page.
For those who do not know, the entire text can be scrolled through all chapters.
The table of contents was left at the beginning. It is too big to “wander around” with the text read, it would not be possible to display all chapters as of 24 today.
For this reason, I have introduced the link “Top of Page” at the beginning of each chapter so that you can jump to the table of contents and select the chapter.
The font size and line spacing have been adjusted so that it would also be possible to read on small smartphones.

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