Vienna 3/30/2020

Everyone knows this picture with the virus!
It became a symbol of our time. For a few months now they have been showing the picture of our “enemy” in all newspapers and TV channels.

What is this creature that can panic billions of people for so many months?

It is a chemical compound of protein. It is not a living being. It cannot eat, excrete or attack with a gun in hand, because it has no hand and it’s not a soldier in a hostile army.
So what is it?
Scientists would say that it is a simple relationship of several proteins, the basic building blocks of life that are based on protein. A series of C, G, A, T compounds arranged in a specific order. The structure resembles the DNA or the genetic code of the life forms known to us. DNA has a twisted ladder structure, two parallel sequences of protein sequences. The coronavirus has a simpler structure. It consists of just one thread, half a ladder. Science calls this structure RNA.

So, is our enemy a chemical substance? Yes, nothing else than that. Wouldn’t it be better to say that fear is our enemy? Media and organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have been fueling our fear for several months.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to invent any conspiracy theories. I am against the claims that a group of people wants to take over the world.

[Vienna October 18, 2020 Today I would no longer write the text marked in green.]

I also don’t know if it’s true that the coronavirus was made in military laboratories. This is also not the topic covered on this page.

But viruses are not soldiers that only cause war.
Look over here.
You get away from this destructive fear.

if you have no idea what something is about, then it is about the…

I intend to deal with more specific questions that came to my mind when I started thinking about the causes of the anxiety pandemic.

I know the official statistics on seasonal influenza. I rely on sources like the CDC, US Department of Health and the RKI, Robert Koch Institute in Germany. RKI was founded in 1891 and “is the oldest biomedical institute in the world,” quote from RKI in German.

According to the WHO, the number of deaths from seasonal flu in the world is estimated to be between 290,000 and 650,000 each year.
In the original wording:
“Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.”
This information comes from:

And what is the situation on the coronavirus front?
Anyone can check it out here:

Today (30.03.2020) there are 10 to 20 influenza deaths per coronavirus-related deceased.

The question arises: why not close the borders, why not stop all manifestations of public life due to influenza?
The seasonal flu is the cause of death for many more people than the coronavirus!

No one has yet answered this question properly, although in today’s world it is a fundamental question.

It would be easy now to blame the pharmacological companies. This industry has been the target of attacks, rightly or wrongly.
After reading the book John Virapen, “Side Effect Death,” I would like to join the chorus of opponents of the pharmaceutical industry. However, I won’t do it, because I have no evidence that a group of pharmaceutical concerns has caused this panic epidemic in the world. There are some clues, but this is not a proof.

In my opinion, it is sufficient to point out to this problem.
If someone wants to answer my question, I invite you, .
I am open to all theories that are ridiculous at first sight.
However, logical justification is required. I may believe too much in logic, but I have to rely on something.

An attempt to answer my question was also made on, the second link I have given above. Quote from this page:

So how do the flu and coronavirus compare? Just a few weeks ago, the flu appeared to be the more menacing concern. The death rate from influenza is generally just a fraction of 1%.
How things have changed.
During a March 11 hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee on coronavirus preparedness, Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, put it plainly:
“The seasonal flu that we deal with every year has a mortality of 0.1%,” he told the congressional panel, whereas coronavirus is “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu,” per STAT news.

So you are juggling with the least adequate mortality rate!

Since 20,127 samples had been taken in Poland by March 22nd and the current time (March 30th, 2020) showed the presence of viruses in 1,862 people, the ratio of patients to healthy people for these tests is 9.25%.
Quelle: How many corona virus tests have been performed? In Polish

Of course, the selection of the people tested influences this factor significantly.
People who had contact with the disease were tested…
Nevertheless, I dare to estimate the number of infected people in Poland.
If we theoretically assume a hundredth of the coefficient I calculated and round to 0.1%, the result is that, according to the test of all citizens in Poland, 40,000 people should be infected with the virus.
While this is a purely hypothetical number, it is quite likely. In the numbers so estimated, the mortality rate mentioned above is 0.055% (to date there have been 22 coronavirus deaths).
At the moment, the mortality rate for both diseases is similar.
And so much about the only argument that justifies the introduction of such strict restrictions.

The global mortality rate can also be calculated.
Approximately 2 million tests were performed with 723.3389 positive results.
And here comes a surprise! The ratio of patients to healthy people is four times higher than in Poland (36.17%).
Have the people tested in Poland been selected incorrectly?
I don’t think so, it is done differently in other countries.
And then the tests themselves are only reliable to varying degrees.

Let us, nevertheless, count the theoretical number of infected people in the world. One-hundredth of the factor is rounded to 0.36%.
That is over 27 million people. And again the mortality rate was similar to that of the flu: 0.125%.

You have probably suspected that these calculations cannot be taken seriously, even the fact that I accepted without reason that it would be good if I took a hundredth and not a thousandth of a factor, for example.
And it turns out that I previously calculated this result and manipulated these numbers to get what I wanted.

This is how statistics are presented to us. This becomes particularly clear in medicine if the most senseless theses are to be justified.

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