23. Corona false alarm

Vienna 6/30/2020

I will review the book published on June 23, 2020, which has the same title as the title of this chapter.
Authors prof. dr. Karin Reiss and us from the chapter Is it still democracy? known prof. dr. Suchard Bhakdi.

I found the answer to my first question in the chapter Questions:

The first light in the dark came from a French study. In this, patients with respiratory diseases were examined for the presence of four conventional corona viruses compared to SARS-CoV-2. Without distinguishing whether the patients died with or from the virus, they still came to the conclusion that there was no significant difference in the number of deaths between the two groups. It didn’t matter whether you carried a normal, previously unnoticed corona virus or the new “killer virus.” The authors concluded that the “COVID-19 problem” is likely to be overestimated.

Since the publication of this scientifically sound study on March 19, 2020, no comparable studies have appeared that contradict this conclusion.

The world-famous virologist and epidemiologist Professor Bhakdi, who trained 12,000 doctors, confirmed the lack of scientific research into the harmfulness of the virus, which was selected by an unknown group of people as a tool for spreading fear.

When we combine this with the use of the PCR test around the world as the basis for all medical and political decisions, we have a clear picture of the situation.
Please note that PCR tests have never been approved for laboratory testing. Only the WHO recommended the use of this test because of the “critical” situation it caused.
I would like to add that the manufacturer of the PCR test clearly stated in the description attached to the product that this test is not suitable for diagnostic purposes. It can only be used for scientific research.

Today after midnight I will update the world mortality statistics.
The first six months of 2020 will pass.

22. Conspiracy practice

Vienna 6/23/2020

A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between persons for an unlawful or harmful purpose.

This is the definition of the word conspiracy according to Wikipedia.
The definition is clear, there should be no problems with the interpretation.
To speak about a conspiracy, we need a group of people (people who are known by name or not) and a specific purpose.
Let’s check another word: theory.
A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking.

What is a conspiracy theory? A concept that has meant just as much as an unreasonable wrong sentence in recent months. At least that’s how the mass media treat it.
This approach is a convenient excuse not to deal with the questions asked.
In my blog, I collected facts that are supported by information about the source of this data. Where I make hypotheses, I write clearly about it. I leave the interpretation to the reader.
What you are reading is a description of conspiracy practice.

I will now present the arguments put together to show that it is a global conspiracy.

  1. The fear pandemic was launched by the WHO without providing scientific research sources on the harmful effects of the potential “killer of humanity.”
  2. On May 10, 2009, the WHO changed the definition of an epidemic so that every disease can be declared a pandemic, an epidemic in several neighboring countries.
  3. The date of the pandemic announcement correlates with a $ 50 million donations from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  4. In October 2019, the Event 201 conference was organized in New York, where the various aspects of the coronavirus pandemic were tested.
  5. In mid-March 2020, both the WHO and most of the mass media alarmed us that we were facing a terrible pandemic that would kill many millions.
  6. The method of reporting a pandemic was exactly the same in most countries around the world: the number of new cases was reported daily, which inevitably had to increase with the tests. Anyone who died or suspected of being infected with the virus was automatically classified as a coronavirus victim. No distinction is made between those who died from coronavirus and those who had it and who died, for example, of a heart attack.
  7. Due to the change in qualifications, we have the lowest mortality rate for flu this year.
  8. Coronavirus autopsy has been banned in most countries. This is the only way to determine the true cause of death and counter the pandemic.
  9. Wrong information about overcrowded hospitals was shown on television.
  10. Scientists who expressed a different opinion than the official one were immediately classified as conspiracy theorists. I present a list in German of 250 scientists, mainly respected professors, who have met this fate.
  11. This fear pandemic is based on PCR tests. As I wrote in two chapters, these tests are unreliable.
    Much more: tests that put people under house arrest (called quarantine) and serious political decisions, that destroy the lives of millions of people, have never been approved for use in laboratories.
    Only the WHO, which blew up this hysteria itself, made a recommendation to use it. This is how it works without scientific evidence. WHO conveniently speaks for a certain group of people.
    The manufacturer himself wrote in the instructions that these tests are not suitable for diagnosis. The same said the creator of PCR technology Nobel laureate Kara Banks Mullis.
    Because of his disobedience, Kara Banks Mullis was dismissed from the pharmaceutical lobby, which has a huge financial impact on the media, viewed in the scientific world as “unperson” in the Orwellian sense.

Eleven points. Each of them could be random, but all occur over the world at the same time. This can no longer be considered a coincidence.
It is “a secret plan or agreement between persons for an unlawful or harmful purpose” – conspiracy.

21. How do countries in Africa view the pandemic of fear?

Vienna 6/17/2020

Madagascar is an island in the Indian Ocean, but geographically belongs to the African continent.
An interesting film about two African countries was made by a Canadian, Amazing Polly.

This may surprise some, but this chapter on Africa is an extension of the previous two chapters on PCR testing. The President of Tanzania decided to test the credibility of the coronavirus tests.
They sent samples of papaya, goat, rabbits to the laboratory, even a sample of motor oil.
Each of these samples was identified along with other required data and a fictitious name. The laboratory was not informed of this trick. The results of all of these samples for the presence of the modern virus were positive.
The president announced the results of this test at a press conference.

And how did the world react to such a speech? Has someone checked the reliability of these tests?
An article about the President of Tanzania appeared in The Guardian. He has been accused of quackery and the spread of conspiracy theories. That is, the same gratuitous nuisance experienced by experienced scientists when they publicly argued against the prevailing lie campaign. We know it from our back yard.
I would like to be able to choose such a politician from us. A politician who doesn’t have to prove anything. He really cares about the people who have entrusted him with power …

Tanzania wants to import COVID Organics from Madagascar, which has already cured many people of this infection. This medicinal product was made from a mugwort that grows in Madagascar.
The President of Madagascar presented arguments at the press conference that confirm the effectiveness of this measure. Of 170 patients, 105 were completely cured of the infection after 10 days. They were given no other medicines.
At the same press conference, a journalist mentioned that WHO was afraid of the negative effects of this herbal therapy.
The President of Madagascar reported on the research by Professor Bernard Debre, who examined 58 approved medicines and showed not only the complete lack of effectiveness, but above all, the danger to the health and life of patients associated with the use of these medicines
These drugs are also available on the African market and the WHO is not concerned that they could harm patients. However, the herbal medicine used since the 4th century AD must be thoroughly checked for harmlessness.
A WHO communiqué added that African countries “deserve the same criteria for the use of medicines as worldwide.” So simple, big pharma and vaccines…

I think, for the first time I heard politicians speaking like normal people. I was delighted to hear what both Presidents have to say.
Without the use of pseudo-scientific jargon, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and all these special PR tricks.

20. Toss coin vs. PCR test

Vienna 6/16/2020

At the beginning, I would like to recommend the possibility of including English subtitles on foreign-language YouTube videos.

As stated in the previous chapter, the comparison would be decided in favor of the coin.

In the second part, Samuel Eckert again calculates the reliability of the PCT test based on the corrective data. If the information from RKI votes, the reliability is 15%.
If so, throwing a coin gives three times the result of a PCR test!

In today’s film, Samuel Eckert published another video on the topic of PCR testing.
Some inconsistencies have been resolved. According to prof. Drosten, German government advisor on the Pandemic, infection rate in Germany corresponds to about 0.85%.
What does that mean? Now that the PCR tests are more susceptible to errors (10%) than expected.

If you compare the last five years, mortality in Germany has decreased.
This shows how sensible it is to maintain a natural disaster.
The government is trying to maintain this condition as long as possible. In this way, many projects can be implemented that were hardly possible to implement in normal situations.

Even the mainstream media talks about the wrong picture of the pandemic by portraying discovered infected people without giving test numbers. To keep face, caution is constantly being discussed. Officially, nobody admits that this pandemic is fictitious.

19. How reliable are the PCR tests?

Vienna 6/10/2020

It seems that we will slowly regain the rights we have taken away. Yes, the governments promise that they will slowly return to us.
What is important?
Only one thing – the number of positive test results is expected to decrease.
At the smallest increase in this number, loosening is suspended and even reversed, i.e. H. again restrictions.

I would, therefore, like to draw your attention to whether we can trust these tests.
We will take care of the PCR test, which determines our civil liberties.

A new film by Samuel Eckert – #NichtOhneUns was released yesterday on YouTube.
The video is in German, so I will describe the most important aspects.

NichtOhneUns – NoWithoutUs, protests in larger German cities against unreasonable restrictions on the pretext of a pandemic. Clinical tests in Stuttgart confirmed the effectiveness of this test in 95%, and in the case of higher virus concentration close to 100%.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Great lot!
And it should be like that. Let’s check, however, to be sure what the matter with the results of these tests looks like?
Let’s calculate it ourselves. 1.087.853 tests were carried out in Poland at the beginning of April.
Of these, 27,560 tests gave positive diagnosis. I once saw on the Internet information about the estimated average level of coronavirus infection in Poland. It amounted to 1.27% at the time.
In the Excel table, download link below, I entered this data.
I also gave two parameters that are shown by the test manufacturer (this data applies to German tests). These are sensitivity, the percentage of the number of correct positive results in relation to all positive cases, and the specificity of the same factor for negative results.

Below I present the result:


The difference between the number of positive tests received 27.571 and then reported by the media 27.560 = 11, results from the rounding of calculation formulas in Excel.

Please note the number of false-positive results. It is 13,962. This is 1.3% (100 – 98.7%) of the total number of uninfected persons, i.e. from 1.074.037.
The test reliability for positive results is 49.36%. So less than half.
Of all the positive results of 27,571, only 13,608 are actually correct.
The media uses mainly this number of infected.
The only thing that separates us from true freedom can be manipulated freely through the amount of testing!

Play with numbers alone. Here is the appropriate Excel file created by Samuel Eckert .

Isn’t it exciting how easy it is to manipulate millions of people?
Certainly not for manipulated people.

18. Bill Gates Foundation Part II

Vienna 6/7/2020

On May 14, MP Sara Cunial asked the Italian Parliament to take Bill Gates to the International Court of Justice.

There are many arguments for this approach:

  1. The enormous influence of Bill Gates on the WHO. This year alone, he paid over $ 50 million to this organization. If someone wants to check this, I recommend the Foundation link given in the previous chapter.
  2. Bill Gates fights for the depopulation of the earth depopulation of the earth. According to Bill Gates, the spread of vaccines will help reduce humanity by 10-15%.
  3. Bill Gates warned the world about a pandemic five years ago.
  4. Bill Gates Impfkampagne in Indien 2014 Deaths.
  5. Organization of a conference of pandemic, finance and PR specialists in October 2019 – Event 201.
    An outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has been practiced. Great emphasis was placed on controlling the mass media and restricting the publication of opinions that differ from those of the Bill Gates Foundation.
  6. A series of statements by Bill Gates about the enormous risk of an uncontrolled spread of the virus in the world. Targeted scaremongering.

Coincidence? Maybe, but six cases are enough to start an investigation. Especially when the fate of the world is at stake…

A fairly objective view of Bill Gates’ career history.
We have the seventh case here, the business methods used by Bill Gates.

17. The largest philanthropic foundation in the world

Vienna 6/6/2020

Today I’m going to look at the activities of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

The idea of founding such a foundation by the richest man in the world at the time (the year 2000) is commendable.
You can’t spend billions of dollars on a store. You can buy the entire store at most.
Wealth in this way will not decrease significantly. Why would a billionaire need a shop?

A much better idea would be to create and fund a well-organized philanthropic organization that works to improve human health, regardless of the material status of these people.
If I were so rich, although I don’t want it at all, I would think of such a foundation.
Where big money, big emotions. It is natural.
There is a lot of conflicting information and speculation on the Internet about this foundation.
In this chapter, I will base, as usual, on official data, which was also published by the foundation itself.
In addition to improving health, the foundation aims to reduce famine in the poorest countries in the world.
Nobody disputes the legality of such a procedure.

Problems only arise when the owner of the foundation wants to implement his ideas, be they right or wrong. Bill Gates is convinced that only vaccines will eliminate all infectious diseases.
It is based on the success announced in 1980 by the WHO in the complete control of smallpox. Apparently the biggest success of the WHO is the fight against the pox epidemic.
Everything looks good. Finally, the activities of the Foundation will help mankind.
That may be the case, but the largest recipient of the foundation’s funds is the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization GAVI.

In 2016, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation transferred over $ 1.5 billion to GAVI.
Interested parties can search for other payments, for example for the WHO. This is the foundation’s website.

A little digression, when I was looking for payouts for WHO, I introduced the name World Health Organization and got what I wanted and more. Windows users are probably used to strange effects.
“GlobalGiving Foundation, Inc.” appeared on the list in addition to the WHO.
You are probably familiar with the term “future_error” used by Microsoft. Future mistake, but what is it really about? Just a bug that will be fixed in the (probably further) future.
A bit of malice for a company that forces you to buy new Windows when your computer gives up your mind and you need to buy new hardware.

Let’s go back to Bill Gates.
Even more than the idea of ideally forcing all the inhabitants of the earth to be vaccinated, this humanity, for whom he fought so bravely, was startled by the idea of producing an electronic chip that implements humans between thumb and forefinger according to one of the ideas on hand should be.
The chip would replace the ID or passport. So George Orwell predicted the future well. However, he did not believe that the world wanted to be dictated by crazy ideas, one man, not three powers.
With a visionary passion, Bill Gates said that such a man with a chip did not have to submit documents when traveling, that he had been vaccinated.

In October 2019, the Bill Gates Foundation organized an expert meeting. A coronavirus pandemic was simulated at this meeting called Event201.
This is how it is described on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security page: Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts.
So the foundation co-organized and created a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic.
The question arises, what is the idea of choosing coronavirus as the source of a pandemic in October 2019?
Currently, October 2019, any virologist would say that the worst thing you can expect from a coronavirus is cold.
Perhaps it was because the coronavirus patent belongs to a Gates Foundation company?

There are reports on the Internet that this patent is not part of the foundation at all. If anyone has any doubts, please check out this subpage.

Sequel follows.